Thursday, July 19, 2007


Gargle is finished! Anna's awesome pattern was so incredibly easy to follow, especially for a shaping novice like me. As I was going through the pattern, I kept thinking "Now what the hell am I doing? How is this going to turn out?" But then I got done with a piece and it was all shaped and dimensional and stuff! Amazing! I learned so much from doing this pattern, and it was really nice to have a quick little project to work on amidst the couple of marathon projects I currently have on needles.

I really need to learn how to sew pieces together better, because my poor Gargle is a little bit drunk and has difficulties keeping is head up sometimes. Next time!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

No disassemble!

Gargle the giraffe in pieces

My friend Eric loves giraffes. He'll frequently go to the zoo just to visit them. So when Anna at Mochi Mochi Land created a giraffe, I knew that I had to make it for him for his birthday, which is soon. I kept waiting and waiting for the pattern to be posted, and finally, it was!

I started working on this Friday. If I'd had stuffing, I would have been able to nearly finish it yesterday. As it is, I was able to finish all the pieces within a few hours. It's a wonderfully easy pattern to follow and so much fun to knit. Hopefully today he will be finished, and there will be an updated post soon.

Yesterday I took a trip to the LYS and spent way too much money (well, relative to my available cash flow) on yarn. But most of it was for other people–more yarn for my mother's blanket and yarn to send to Leina for a swap. I also picked up the issue of Interweave Knits that has Eunny Jang's Venezia pullover. One day, maybe, I'll actually get around to knitting it.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Slow Going

So I haven't posted here for a little while because I haven't had too much progress to discuss. (Mildly discernible) progress has been made on two projects, but they're large-ish projects, and I have no attention span, so they're taking much longer than I'd like them to. I'm contemplating having either a movie marathon or Firefly marathon and just sitting and knitting all day. Of course, that would get in the way of the cleaning and other things I need to be doing today. Decisions, decisions.

I've also been distracted with a couple of other projects.

Voldemort can't stop the rock Straight to the core

I made these out of ShrinkyDinks, and some jewelry-making material. I'd never made jewelry before, so I was happy they turned out as well as they did. There's room fr improvement, surely, but for being the first time I've played with these things, I'm quite happy.

I also attempted sewing a reconstruction of a shirt yesterday, but my sewing machine is a cheap little thing a does not appear to like t-shirt material. I'll need to borrow someone else's machine to finish it.

Yesterday, I picked up Knitscene and liked a few of their patterns, so maybe I'll be more inspired soon. Oh, and I got my Ravelry invite, so I'll be playing over there, too.